
Wednesday, November 17, 2004

G4 Has Done it Again Fire More Staff

If view G4techtv Channel you have noted that TSS is in reruns due to Staff got Can !

To the Owers of G4 : YOU SUCK !!!!!


TSS is DEAD...

Well I've officially been let go... along with a bunch of other people from TSS and three other shows. Kevin and Sarah are the only ones left on screen and I don't know what they are planning to do with them. The Screen Savers as you know it is GONE! We were rounded up today at 11am and told to be out of the office at 3pm... very smooth... So I wanted to take this time to say, Thank you... thank you to all of you who gave me the chance to enter your living rooms five days a week and try my best to make you smile. You, the fans of TSS, really made me feel like a million bucks. I know it was hard for some of you to see Patrick go, but I really appreciate you all giving me a chance. I just wish I could have more time to get to know you all...

It has been one of the best experiences of my life... Thank you...

- Alex Albrecht

PS - I love you all... Kevin, Sarah, Dan, Yoshi, Joshua, Scott, Robert "the man", Tom, Teresa, Sean, Prager, Jeff, Adam, Paul, Ron, The Crew and everyone else involved in the show...



Tales from Olympic Boulevard

Those of you who watch me on G4TechTV will notice some TSS reruns for the next few days. We're busy regrouping, reorganizing, and relaunching, folks. Today we lost some great, great people in the latest phase of our ongoing evolution. This is the reality of the biz, and it never gets any easier.

TSS has not been canceled, but we need a little time before moving forward. A million thanks to all of you for your constant support and encouragment. I'll see you all again soon.


PS- I want to add just one more (important) thought here. Alex, Dan, Yoshi, Martin, Laura, and the producers we lost today from TSS and Unscrewed are all amazing, talented, funny, and incredibly bright people. I have no doubt that they are all headed for bigger and better things. Class acts, all y'all.

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